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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 22. September 10 1979

The Bookcentre Lives

The Bookcentre Lives

Yes, it's true. The Bookcentre is alive and kicking.

Even allowing for inflation, Bookcentre costs have been less than were budgetted, and there is even likelihood of a profit at the end of this year.

Last week's sale went well, and this week the emphasis is on New Zealand books, particularly fiction and poetry. These include Maurice Gee's new children's book, "Under the Mountain," and Allen Curnow's most recent volume of poetry "An Incorrigible music."

Over the last two years, the Bookcentre has concentrated on developing it's stock of fiction, social science and books of general interest.

Sales are steadily increasing, but the Bookshop needs your constant support. If you feel it's ripping you off, talk to the staff, say why, find me, or write to Salient.

You own the Bookcentre — $130,000 worth of your money is the Bookcentre, and the more you use it, the more it will bring in for the Association and for you.

Rire Scotney,

YUWSA rep. on VBC Board.