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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 22. September 10 1979

Tarek Sorour

Tarek Sorour

Photo of Tarek Sorour

My incentive in standing for this election is my genuine concern for the difficulties and predicaments that I feel to be confronting the students of this University. I want to do something for the individual student who feels largely divorced from the intricacies of Union politicking, whose life seems increasingly dominated by heavier course requirements, and who finds little or no encouragement in becoming part of a really vigorous and meaningful student community.

It is this type of objective that I would work towards if elected. Something must be done to deliberately bring students together on a much more personal level. We must try to stimulate a far more abundant student spirit at Victoria, — a sense of belonging and involvement to replace the apathy and frustration that is such a dominant part of our character.

This invigoration can be achieved Firstly be increasing the social opportunities within the Union, and secondly, by upgrading the Union's existing amenities, especially the perpetually dismal situation of the catering facilities. Through enhancing and promoting the activities of the Union and all the various clubs on campus, I believe that students can be attracted to participate much more vigorously than at present, thus building an authentic and dynamic student community.

As Man Vice-President, I would concentrate on attaining these goals.