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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 19. August 6 1979

Change of Venue a Disaster

Change of Venue a Disaster


I have been informed by my advisers that a sad state of affairs exists at VUW. From the start of the year it has been obvious that SASRAC has been declining and falling in a big way - attendances have been low, any atmosphere gone completely. However I understand that a saviour came over the horizon promising cheap grog in pleasant surroundings. I refer to, of course, the Vic Club. I understand that for a few weeks there existed a facility for students to enjoy themselves, where the atmosphere of live background music and comfortable decor was appreciated by all those who turned up. At last Vic had something with potential, something that brought in the crowds and promised to be the lasting.

What stupid moronic half-witted son of a Tibetan camel-fucker changed the venue? How can you have atmosphere in a place as grotty as the Cafe, which reminds me of the public toilets that Keith dropped me off at near Courtney Place (didn't even have the usual sheepskin seat either). I feel that students should be given the facts of this matter from their representatives. It is obvious that the Vic Club is going the way most of the activities at Vic. doomed to failure through mismanagement and over interference by the petty minded 'committee' loving politicos who ran the Association.

The Vic Club will die a very lingering death. A sad loss for all.


PS Table clothes will make stuff-all difference, the stains soak through newspaper in 2.33452 seconds flat.

PPS Has anyone tried a corgi? They're neat.

PPPS What are kumeras like in bed.

PPPPS Keith has asked me to ask you to stop throwing eggs, the dry cleaning costs are astronomical.