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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 19. August 6 1979

How the Real Journos do it

How the Real Journos do it

[unclear: NE] of thousands of Wellington students who song. [unclear: cted], and chanted protests yesterday. They were demonrating against against recently announced $1.8 million its in Government spending on education.

University students and staff, teacher frainees, [unclear: chnical] insitute students and some secondary school [unclear: pils] joined forced in the ranks of morchers. They [unclear: asmbled] of Victoria University at 11am, then marched [unclear: rough] the city to Parliament.

A group of university students from the drama [unclear: udies] course led the march with an on-going [unclear: pantoime]. A masked "Mr Muldoon" cracked a whip and [unclear: d] a black-gowned "teacher" on a dog chain. A [unclear: yel-and-red] clad jester named "merv" performed tricks or lunchtime pedestrians.

Students chanted "Education cuts don't heal" and song "When Will They Ever Learn" Banners read: "One [unclear: oy] Education", "Education is a right not a privilege" [unclear: nd] "We don't want to be MPs so let us have on [unclear: educaion]".

At Parliament they were addressed by opposition [unclear: okesman] on education Mr Russell Marshall.

Wellington's papers, part of the "Independent" Newspapers Ltd empire, didn't seem to think much of the largest student campaign in the city's history. Admittedly, the Dom did give as front page and a photograph, but made no attempt to get at the issues involved.

As for the Post, a comparison of the Dom copy with the underli-ned parts of the Post story reveals the full extent of its journalistic integrity.