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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 2. March 5 1979

Student Radio and FM Stereo (please)

Student Radio and FM Stereo (please)

Radio Active has a jingle that claims: "Student radio and FM stereo go together". Every radio group in the country wants FM. The private stations are dead against student radio being favoured before them. It is thought that, when FM is finally introduced on New Zealand radio, the YA's and the YC's will be the only stations to benefit immediately. Why does Active keep saying that FM goes with student radio?

"What has been made clear to us," Campbell explains, "is that the national programme and the community stations will get it. 'Student stations are classed as community stations." But student radio and FM stereo don't go together, nor are they likely to in the near future ... "They certainly don't" admits Campbell," and I don't think FM will come at all before 1982. Perhaps it's time for student radio to do another illegal broadcast and push the case again. It's been done before, but not by us of course. Up in Auckland, by Radio B". The question of whether Active would be likely to take illegal action was to come up again in another context.