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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 23. September 11 1978

DAP Gains Ground

DAP Gains Ground

The Chinese-based Democratic Action Party (DAP) increased its share of the total votes cast in west Malaysia to 20.8% (650,000 votes), and their parliamentary seats from 9 to 15. It also won, for the first time, a parliamentary seat in Sabah, East Malaysia. Indications are that the DAP is gaining support in the urban areas, especially in Perak, Kedah, and Johore.

On the other hand, the Chinese partners of the NF, the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) and the Gerakan, had their parliamentary seats reduced from 19 to 17 seats, and from 5 to 4 respectively. Even more telling is the fact that, despite its 17 seats, the MCA obtained only about 300,000 votes, a number just slightly larger than the size of its party membership.

Although the constitutional prohibition of discussion on "sensitive" issues (e.g. citizenship rights, Malay special rights, the national language) and the ban on public rallies are obstacles to ascertaining the precise causes of Chinese discontent, it is generally agreed that the main source of dissatisfaction on the part of the Chinese is the new Economic Policy (NEP), which has been implented since 1970.