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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 19. July 31 1978

The University and Student Humour

The University and Student Humour

Some of these relate specifically to VUWSA institutions, some just seem typical examples of the student mentality (if such a thing exists). Some are just hilarious and don't fit into any of the other categories.

Who says I'm paranoid and why do they want to know?

Does this Toilet Bowl have TF?

Certainly does! (Now anyway)

Above a toilet paper dispenser:

Salient Master Copy. Take one......

Salient doesn't have a Master Copy as such, but it does have lots of paste-up sheets.

You can't fool me Simon, I know your writing.

Takes one to know one.

Above a toilet flush button:

Only flush once, it's downhill to the cafe.

Eat shit — 200,000,000 flies can't be wrong.

I've been cutting down this Palm tree for 87 years now, and I'd like to know who gave me this axe.

Two out of every one student here is a schizophrenic

Nothing is real. Everything is possible.

Like real possibilities eh boy?

or possible realities maaan.

The first term's too easy; the second term's too cold; the third term's too late.

"I think, therefore I am." Well maybe I only think I'm thinking but if I think I'm thinking I'm thinking. Fuck Descartes.

Please don't drop your cigarette butts in the Loo. It makes them soggy and hard to light.

Have a happy day! (this is not a subversive statement)

Help save mice! Eat a pussy today.