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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 19. July 31 1978

God in the Classroom

God in the Classroom

Dear Sir,

I read with crowing remorse your article on religion in schools. Once a devout Christian, I have decided to turn Quisling and betray my ex-comrades in the name of justice. (I could have said 'turn Judas' but I've renounced that way of thinking completely). No longer can I stand idly by and watch the public being so vilely and deliberately misled.

Here's the bombshell. Religious instruction in schools is just a decoy!! The churches know damn well that it has very' little effect, but it is extremely easy for the layman to spot, and it draws the fire away from the main action. Which is where? In the classroom, of course. You know, where they teach maths, and science, and French and geography, and all that. This is where the sinister cancer is really taking hold, and no-one's doing a thing to stop it.

You see, some of these teachers, at all levels, are Christians, and they're subtly teaching their subjects from a Christian point of view. "But wait a minute", I hear you cry, "how could they possibly teach maths and science christianly, they're not religious subjects — or anti-religious. They're just non-religious." You may further declare, sir, being something of an academic yourself, that these sciences are merely systems of beliefs — I mean theories, (beliefs is such a damnably 'religious' word), which are coherent and consistent within a framework created by those theories in the first place. Well these Christian teachers seem to believe that too, (probably in an effort to appear sincere) but they carry it to some ominous conclusions which I won't repeat here for fear of propagating them.

However, sir, the most diabolically ominous point of all, is that these Christian teachers have learned to teach from their basic life philosophy in exactly the same way as ordinary secular teachers do, which makes them almost impossible to spot.

I read Jack Mulheron's letter, and although he is concerned mainly with the Religious Instruction front that the churches are keeping up, I sense he is coming dangerously (for 'them') close to discovering the truth as I have laid it out here, — if he has not already done so.

Now that the game is up, I hope I have earned myself some leniency by this last minute conversion ... I mean enlightenment ... I mean ... oh shit ...

Yours scientifically, objectively, and secularly,

Gary Henderson.