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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 19. July 31 1978

Land Expropriation

page 11

[unclear: Land] Expropriation

The expropriation of land in Israel is often pointed to by it's opponents as being stolen from the Arabs. No land is taken without compensation being paid in full, but naturally the original owners feel hard done by (but such is the case throughout the world). It has to be remembered that Israel has only existed since 1948 and it was necessary for the state to acquire land for public services, to build new towns, roads; generally to set up the whole public infrastructure (all countries in the world have laws of expropriation of land for public purposes.) Unfortunately it is the Arab population, because they owned the majority of the land in 1948, who suffered most from this expropriation.