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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 15. July 3 1978

Build up to the SGM

Build up to the SGM

Early this term a group of students led s by waite called for a Special General Meeting to vote on whether to remain in NZUSA. Many of them had been actively involved in the reasonably successful bursary campaign the previous term. Meanwhile the SRC had passed a motion supporting in principle the idea of a national association. However, it required an SGM to reverse the 1977 decision to withdraw.

The 'business section' countered this by successfully calling for a referendum, the reason being that in the absence of debate the anti-NZUSA feelings would predominate. And it did. About 700 students voted for withdraw while 400 supported national unity. A key factor in the vote was a leaflet produced the day before the vote, opposing NZUSA, making personal slanders and attacks on its supporters, and making the racist (and untrue) suggestion that Malaysian students were dominating the Students Association in order to support NZUSA. The tone was very similar to that of the National Front although it was written by some members of the 'business section'.