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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 10. May 15 1978

Treen Lashed for Lashing

Treen Lashed for Lashing

Drawing of a person on a couch

The letter written in last week's Salient by Mike Treen is a series of outrageous exaggerations.

When I said at the last SRC that I believed Mike Treen was at that time in Auckland lobbying for the position of NZUSA EVP I honestly believed this to be true. Mike claims that I was wrong and so I apologise to him for this. However from this one action Mike claims that this is "only the latest in a series of attacks on me since my election" and that "Leonie Morris is in the forefront of these attacks."

What am I supposed to have done Mike? In what ways have I attempted to obstruct your work? These allegations are nonsense. I have done nothing to obstruct Mike Treen's work. Quit the "Maoist" bashing Mike so that we can both get on with our work.


Leonie Morris

VUWSA Woman Vice-President.