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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 10. May 15 1978

Music Society

Music Society

The forty people who braved wind and rain on April 19th were rewarded by a splendid evening of music sponsored by VUW Music Society. Most works presented were from the standard classical repertoire—Vivaldi, Bach, Mozart—but two twentieth-century works were "Sonata for solo viola" by NZ composer Anthony Watson, played by Graeme Hennings, an Alban Berg's "Four pieces for clarinet and piano". Robyn Stapleton (clarinet) and Rose Quinn (piano) showed commendable assurance in the Berg, and this concert demonstrated clearly that the enthusiasm of students can compensate to a large extent for the technical expertise of professionals. Guest artist Deidre Irons (piano) brought the concert to a dazzling finish with her performance of Chopin's highly romantic "Barcarolle" in F sharp. Earlier in the term a MusSoc concert featured a performance of Stockhausen's "Ausden Sieben Tagen".