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Salient. Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 41 No. 5. March 27 1978



Have you ever wondered what happened to the $37.00 you paid at the end of enrolment? This week you'll have two opportunities to see where the money goes. On Thursday at the AGM the 1977 statement of accounts and the reports of all 1977 Executive members will be presented. So if you're curious, or heaven forbid, say something nice, then come along.

Part of the $37.00 ($2.00 to be precise) goes to the National Students' Association — NZUSA (not another name for ANZUS but New Zealand University Students Association). There has been a great deal of debate recently over the advantages/disadvantages of a national union and its present structure. Add to this the restructuring of the Student Travel Bureau and the shock resignation of Education Vice President Stephanie Dale and the picture looks anything but boring.

This Friday Lisa Sacksen (President of NZUSA), Dave MacPherson and Peter Franks (Research officers), Dave Merrit (National Vice President) and James Movick (International Vice President) will be on campus to answer your questions.

Many of you will probably be wondering what has happened to the elections for the 5 interim Executive positions, one of which includes the President. At the closing date for nominations there were only three applications, all of whom are were occupying the interim positions. Even if one concluded that students are amazingly apathetic that doesn't really explain what happened.

After the SRC, where the election nomination response was announced, and the possibility of nominations being reopened, four further nominations were handed into the office. It seems to, me that there is a very real and very serious problem of communicating what the Association is doing to the bulk of students.

One Leaflet stating (not explaining) that there are positions vacant on Executive makes very little impact. If you are at all interested, especially in the position of Sports Officer, then come and see me — even if it's only to seek information. My office is on the middle floor of the Union Building. It's always open, and even if I'm not in, just make yourself comfortable.

Lindy Cassidy