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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 25. September 26 1977

Uniforms Supplied — Salient and Handbook

Uniforms Supplied

Salient and Handbook

The 1978 Handbook will be put together during late October-early November. Contributions are needed now. There will be an extensive departmental critique, centering on course content, assessment methods and lecturer standards. If you would like to write on the courses you are involved in, or help in any other way in preparing Handbook, contact Editor Gyles Beckford in the Salient office now (Home phone 758 477).

Salient needs a staff for next year. It is hoped that the paper will be organised into specific areas, with different people being responsible for each within a collective framework.

We therefore need the following :

Campus reporters, liaisoning with the many political, cultural, sporting and social groups on campus, and reporting on SRCs, Exec., Council etc.

City reporter, maintaining contact with Wellington's municipal politics.

National affairs reporter, collaborating with NZUSA.

Reviews editor, responsible for all the arts.

Writers and reviewers are needed in all these areas.

In addition to the fields covered this year, Salient would like to run crosswords, book, music and art reviews, political graphics . . all is contingent on people being available to do the work. If you are interested in any of the above, and/or would like to gain experience working on a newspaper, see the 1978 Editor Simon Wilson in the Salient office. (Home phone 727 646).

Photo of police sitting in chairs in rows