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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 25. September 26 1977


Students at Victoria should take the opportunity to have a good, long look at the Hunter Building, because the chances are that on their return next year they will be greeted with a vacant lot. A University Council meeting to be held today, (Monday 26th), will be asked to ratify a recommendation from their Site Committee, "That the Hunter Building be demolished and be replaced by a building of architectural distinction"

All things considered, the Council will most likely pass this last death knell on Hunter. The Site Committees recomendation was passed with only Lindy Cassidy, (the student rep), and Dr. McMillan, (the City Council rep) dissenting.

Hunter has been the subject of debate since since it was reported in 1974 that the building failed to meet the requirements of section 301a of the Municipal Corporations Act with regard to the standards for buildings. Even at that early stage there was much talk of having to demolish the building (someone in the University was even far-sighted enough to get a quote of $75,000 for the demolition job). There was immediate evacuation of the Law library and a progressive lowering of the numbers of classes and staff that would be scheduled there. In a bid to alleviate its accomodation problem the University came up with an idea to put prefabs on the Hunter lawn. That project was stopped after students took out marker pegs, stole plans and the Students' Association took out a writ in the Supreme Court against the University.