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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 22. September 5 1977

5. Lack of independent leadership of the working class

5. Lack of independent leadership of the working class

The working class is the mainspring of opposition to fascism. They are the largest class in society, they are the decisive class in production, and they are easily organised because they are geographically concentrated and have nothing to lose. Where the main body of the working class is lead by the Social Democrats, then the effectiveness of those fighting fascism is impaired by the Social Democrats belief in reformism and their belief that parliamentary power is the key aspect of state power. Struggle independent of Parliament by a united working class requires independent class conscious leadership—leadership which realises that the state is an instrument for coercing the working class in the interests of capital.

When the oppressed classes are united, particularly the entire working class, to defeat fascism, then fascist is bound to be defeated. Such a united front is difficult to form when the working class is split. The peasantry and the petit-bourgeoisie will follow behind a united working class. But they may desert to the bourgeoisie if the working class is split.

A successful united front was formed in France in 1934 to check the fascist offensive in that country. On the 6th of February 1934 fascist rioting began. The groundwork for a fascist victory in France had been laid in much the same way as in other countries. The demonstrations were to help bring fascism to power. Consequently the fascist rioters met little resistence from the police and the armed forces. On February 9th a Communist demonstration took place—a demonstration banned by the Government and suppressed by the armed forces and police. This demonstration was sucessful in stemming the first fascist offensive. A General Strike was held on February 12th. This strike which was called by the Communist Party gained such wide mass support that even the unions led by the social democrats (the French Socialist Party) were compelled to support the call. These struggles point the way to the defeat of fascism. The strike and the accompanying united front demonstrations won overwhelming support throughout the country.

It is these conditions that bring about the victory of fascism. In the long run there are only two choices open to modern capitalist society, fascism or communism. Fascism is the path of war, destruction, poverty for the masses, and the reversion of society to the dark ages. Communism is the path of peace, of unrestricted science in the service of society, of the creation of plenty for all working people.

Photo of Adolf Hitler wearing shorts