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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 22. September 5 1977

Rejoinder to Leo Durden

Rejoinder to Leo Durden

Dear David,

I protest at the hypocrisy of this Leo Durden character (if there is such a person) who claims to be President of the Jewish Students Society.

He claims that he is concerned about NZUSA'S ownership of the IATA travel agency because it sells travel to South Africa. Where was this person when the Anti-apartheid campaigners needed him? Probably sipping Sabra with the Israeli Ambassador while reading over the details of the latest arms deal between Israel and South Africa!

Why doesn't 'Leo Durden' come out in the open and tell the world of his real intentions in attacking NZUSA. Why doesn't he say that the real reason he hates NZUSA is because they have a policy supporting the right of the landless Palestinian people to have their own homeland—without being second-class citizens as the few left in Israel are now.

'Leo Durden' is trying to appeal to progressive students by saying how bad it is that NZUSA owns an IATA agency so that they will think he is progressive and will therefore be more inclined to believe what he and his fellow Zionist say on the Middle East question..

In actual fact 'Leo Durden' wholeheartedly supports Israel and its government's policies. These include considerable trade links with South Africa, not to mention the military tie-up between the two countries. How many people realise that a South African pilot flying an Israeli Jet-fighter was shot down by the Egyptians in the 1973 'Yon Kippur' war? I bet 'Leo Durden knows that—yet have' we heard one skerrick of criticism by him of the Israeli government associations with South Africa?

Of course we haven't. The Reason? Because 'Leo Durden' doesn't mind South Africa and its apartheid policies at all; in fact he rather likes the Israeli method of apartheid as it applies to

Palestinians in their occupied homeland.

Let's get rid of your hypocrisy 'Leo Durden'!

David G. Macpherson.

PS. This letter is strictly my personal view, and has nothing whatsoever to do with my Job.