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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 20. August 8 1977



Nick Thompson is a fine arts student at the university of Canterbury and he has written a play Circulus which is being both performed and directed by students under the direction of John Kim. It is an essentially experimental production, having grown out of acting workshops and represents the growth of original NZ work during the last few years.

Photo of Ros Clark

Ros Clark's 7 for a Secret

The title refers both to the setting of the play — a circus in which the characters play ringmaster/ down type roles — and to what becomes increasingly obvious as the play progresses, that the circus is the world in microcosm, the circularity of existence. Theatrical illusion and reality are indivisibly interwoven ; actor and audience roles become confused and belief and doubt appear to be one and the same thing, Circulus thus explores the boundaries of theatre and ultimately asks the central question ; who are the actors and what is the play ?