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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 18. July 25 1977

And now for Something Completely Different

And now for Something Completely Different.

Dear Sir,

On behalf of the South Hampshire Institute of Technology, I would like to criticise Wing Commander Nigel Barnaby (Mrs) about assuming that Salient newsprint is an ideal aerodynamic performer.

Okay the general morale of a tedious lecture is raised by the flight of a 'Salient 'dart but far from astonishing people by 'gliding majestically' through the air. In fact, the sight of a grubby sheet of paper dramatically stall, flutter for a few moments like a constipated pidgeon, and plummet vertically downwards is what makes people laugh and therefore alleviate the boredom of the lecture.

I sugget that the performance of a Salient Dart would be dramatically increased by decreasing the weight of the bullshit inside.

Yours aerodynamically.

Permanent Yerg (D.O.B.K.)

P.S. Any idiot knows that the relationship between the boring ness of a lecture and the darts thrown is exponential.