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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 17. July 18 1977

Look but don't Touch

Look but don't Touch

Dear Squire David,

Just a small note to you dear honourable sir, from one of the many humble and unillustrious dills refered to as first year Science students. Having been at this place for some time now ! finally discovered or heard rumours that these exists or more correctly existed one Biology Library on the 4 th floor of Kirk. This was only brought to my notice after Prof. Wells announced at his last lecture that after a considerable fight with some authority whose name eludes me, we humble cretins were allowed to use the room for study and reading.

After going to that same said room, one found many rows of shelved books with a notice saying "Students No Access". However we are apparently allowed to sit down and study despite the fact that we have no resources to study.

The point which has annoyed me somewhat since seeing that stock of books just sitting there is the fact that they haven't been shifted to the Main Library and don't look as though they will be in the near future. No wonder I couldn't find any bloody books for a Botany 101 essar in the first term. And no wonder I couldn't find a book recommended to me by a Zoology Lab. demonstrator because some Main Library nurk told me [unclear: that] it must still be in the Biology Library.

Although it doesn't sound like it, I am not overly fond of gripers or griping myself but somehow this one seems like one too many for Mr Tolerateeverything Gundfartin Arseholes to tolerate. Please what can be done?

Yours stinkingly

Gundfartin Arseholes.