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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Volume 40 Number 9. April 26 1977

Is this the start of a religious debate?

Is this the start of a religious debate?

The Editor


Dear Sir


I would like to draw attention to the solemn declaration made by John Needham in his letter "God is dead! Long Live God!" (Salient April 18.) He asserts. "However, it is also true that Archie Bunker is very unlikely to gain an active faith in Jesus Christ, but will remain an irreligious cynic to his deathbed." This is nonsense. Archie Bunker's real name is Carroll O'Conner; His real voice has no nasal twang. A few months ago he received, in Rome, the St Genesius award which is presented periodically to outstanding Catholic actors by members of Rome's American Catholic parish. Although he admitted being a "careless Catholic" in the early 1960s, his outlook has changed since his wife became a zealous Catholic convert. He says "She came into the Church and I came back into it."

For the benefit of those who might be interested in what goes on behind the scenes, I have made passing mention of some of these points in my recent expose "The Broadcasting Controversy, The Pope and Catholic Action." This is a rather controversial booklet which recently received a page and a half of scathing criticism in the Tablet (23-3-77.) Their article was entitled "Ouch. The Ugly Truth Is Out" — "Wellington B.Sc. links the Pope, CWL, the Cardinal, Fr Coleman, etc etc, in plot to brainwash Godzone. 1 Two subsequent issues of the Tablet also mentioned this booklet — they don't like it much. Copies are available from P.O. Box 1479, Wellington, $1.50 per copy.

Donald J. Beswick.

Cartoon of a humanoid figure next to a building being shot at