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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 6. April 4 1977

Questions on Country Joe

Questions on Country Joe.

Dear Sir,

Cartoon strip of a mouth eating paper

It is interesting to note the differences between the Country Joe McDonald concert held in the Student Union Building on Saturday March 5, and his appearance in Palmerston North the following night.

The venue for his Vic. concert was our own illustrious Student Union edifice which although it may be the spiritual place for the capital's intelligentsia does not strike me as the ideal place for a concert. The support act may have been locally renowned, but certainly not nationally—and the price, $3.50. although well below normal concert prices was not as cheap as it perhaps could have been.

In contrast, the Palmerston North concert organised by the Massey University Students' Association, was held at the Palmy Opera House—more suitable for such concerts acoustically and seating wise. The support band was the Wellington group Heartbreakers—presently at the height of their new-found popularity. And the price? $3.00.

Neither the venue nor the support act would have cost the MUSA a pittance and yet the VUSA avoid such 'extravagant' cost by hosting Mr McDonald Esq. their own buildings with a local support (if that) and yet still manage to charge more.

I believe this is the first campus tour actually arranged by the individual student unions rather than the Universities Arts Council and so in Wellington at least I am curious to see just who is ripping who off!!!