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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. [Volume 39, Number 19, 1976.]

Agatha Misrepresented

Agatha Misrepresented


I found it extremely odious and revolting, as a liberated woman, that a person of such obvious literary talent as The Mug of Arloo should use the pages of your paper to spread such reactionary propaganda as that expresses in his letter in Salient (Vol 39 Issue 18).

His past epistles have indicated the presences of an intellect of great genius, unclouded by such petty interests as those concerning morality and the sacred qualities of life.

It is possible that we have been deprived (by editorial censorship) of following the development of his talents. Maybe I just didn't realise that until recently you've deliberately only printed the best of him contributions. If so, I apologise for thinking you're a fuck-wit, but I still wish to express concern that the Mug of Arloo could resort to the tactics of a common or garden pressure group, forsaking his unique wit to repeat cliches.

As my good friend Richard C said, a woman's place is in the sink and our Mug's letter tends to promote this sort of Bullshit. Besides, I have been misrepresented. Agatha.