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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 39, Number 17, July 19, 1976.


Sosc 301 Report on Staff/Student Meeting

Sixty-two stage 3 students and 6 staff members showed up to do battle at the Sosc 301 class on Monday afternoon. You might say the armies were equally balanced.

People attended in such unusually large numbers to witness and take part in the debate on three proposals drawn up by students the week before:
1.That the staff explain the aims and purposes of 301 and its place in the overall course structure of the department.
2.That the workload be reduced by dropping one methodological essay.
3.That a word limit be placed on a major essay.

Proposal 1 is the most relevant to other sociology students and all of the discussion was devoted to it. Much of the time was spent by students and staff giving vent to their wrath and frustration (not necessarily respectively) and was constructive only as release for adrenalin build-up.

However, certain aspects were made clearer and some concrete suggestions were made.