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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 39, Number 16, July 12, 1976.

Young Frankenstein W14 July 2.15

Young Frankenstein W14 July 2.15

Dr Frankenstein is a young clean Ail-American good-guy brain surgeon who makes a monster and takes it to a medical convention dressed in white tie and tails.

This is Mel Brooks' most hilarious film - even funnier than his Blazing Saddles.

"It's a dog-eat-dog world."

The young doctor who likes his name pronounced Fron-ken-shleen, so that he is not confused with his grandfather is assisted by a hunchback called Igor played by Marty Feldman.

Gene Hackman also makes an appearance as an blindman who befriends the monster in one of the films most priceless sequences.

Dr Frankenstein is played by Gene Wilder and the monster by Peter Boyle.