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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 39, Number 14, 5 July 1976.

Complaints about Cafetaria

Complaints about Cafetaria

Dear Sir,

I for one am not happy with the much lauded running of the cafe and I have three complaints regarding cafe meals:
1.The meal of the day (so called), alternative to all that other fat-saturated garbage, looks revolting, tastes revolting and invariably is revolting and is not, in my opinion, worth 75 cents. We should be paid to eat it.
2.I abhor the pernicious practice of alterning quantities of food and liquid in place of, or in addition to, price rises. The recent changes to plastic cups is equivalent to 25c price rise and the smaller plastic plates add to the already exorbitant 50c price rise of hot meals suffered four weeks ago I would suggest to the catering management or whoever is responsible that there are outlets for this sort of fiddling in the sweet and biscuit manufacturing industries.
3.I am sorry that the Students' Assn. should tolerate the wasteful use of a finite resource in its change to the use of plastic cups and plates in preference to paper. Such extravagance is, in my opinion, quite irresponsible. (I am in total agreement with your sentiments - I'm so disgusted with those disgusting plastic cups that I intend to start bringing my own tea in a thermos flask - typesetter).

I remain,

Hyram G. Orpington - Throgmorton III