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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 39, Number 14, 5 July 1976.

Waste of Studass Paper

Waste of Studass Paper

Dear John,

I was sitting in the cafe on the first Monday morning of study break at 9.45am sipping my cup of coffee and reading a pamphlet outlining the present bursary situation regarding the increase in the cost of Irving increase. One of these pamphlets had been placed on every table in the cafe.

All of a sudden I noticed one of the cleaners pushing around his trolley and screwing up each notice in turn (except for the dozen or so which were being read), and placing it in his rubbish tin. At this ungodly hour in the morning not many people had had an opportunity to read them.

The point I am making is, that with everybody kicking up a rumpus saying "We haven't got enough money!" why the hell do we spend so much time and money in printing and delivering them just to keep the cleaner busy and to give the refuse-collectors something to take away.

Yours RJGM