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Salient. Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Volume 39, Issue Number 11. 31 May 1976

Muldoon Fan Strikes a Blow for Laissex - Faire Capitalism

Muldoon Fan Strikes a Blow for Laissex - Faire Capitalism

Dear Sir,

In his letter to Salient last week 'a Salient Worker' criticised Mr Muldoon for using his mandate 'to fix up the country and bash the Unions'. Surely this is not criticism but rather the outward manifescation of the responsible attitude displayed by the National Government.

Unions occupying vital positions in the New Zealand economy must be made to realise that they cannot exploit such position by holding the New Zealand public at ransom. The P.S.A. has recently been adopting the typical irresponsible stance taken by many of the Unions within this country, holding weekly stop-works which have disastrous results so far as the economy is concerned. It is high time that electricity workers and for that matter any able bodies person occupying a state house be made to pay a reasonable rent. The New Zealand economy cannot continue to support these parasites living in subsidised housing. Only the sick and the elderly are justified in living in houses subsidized by the government.

'A Salient Worker' also accuses Mr Muldoon of knocking organisations such as Hart. Whilst not denying the right of any member of Hart to refuse to play sport with South Africa, surely this gives Hart no right to interfere with the rights and freedoms of others by preventing them from playing sport with whom they please.

It is not hard to see why 'A Salient Worker' chooses to hide behind a cloak anomity when one reads the rubbish espoused in his letter.


S.P. Mark