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Salient. Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Volume 39, Issue 10. 24 May 1976

Welfare and Accomodation

Welfare and Accomodation

This sphere of NZUSA has been aptly described as the "poor sister". However two constructive directives came out of this commission.

1.The creation of a Welfare Research officer to assist constituent associations in coordinating and Implimentating, Welfare policies and to take direct action in improving facilities. However, VUWS A could not vote on this motion as it contravened SRC policy at October last year. The matter however is sure to be raised again and I will enlarge on it at SRC on Wednesday.
2.The other directive I found to be on the more constructive sphere was that in respect of accomodation. It has been recommended that constituent associations assist legal action against landlords who Violate tenancy rights, whereas is so often the case the Labour dept. will not bring prosecutions. These will have the twofold purpose of protecting students' rights and to force the Dept., in face of much concrete evidence to increase its activity. Also "Flatting" a legal guide to tenants rights is soon to be published.

I will elaborate at the SRC on Wed.

Mark Sainsbury