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Salient. Victoria University students' Newspaper. Volume Number 39, Issue 7. April 12 [1976]


Salient staff photo

Salient Staff fully endorse the Prime Minister s statement that those who owe allegience to an aggressive foreign power should get the chop.

Salients heroic workers struggling against all the anti proletriat forces that are massing against their just cause.

Roll of Honour John Ryall, Lionel Klee, Mike Stephens, Derick Cooper, Kevin Swann, Rose Desmond, Rachel Scott, Lynn Peck, Leigh Thomson, Pat Bartle, Anthony (I'll be brief) Ward, Leonie Morris, Lindy Cassidy, Patrick Mulrennan, John Henderson, Pat O'Dea, Harotia Warthog, Leon Trotsky, Karl Marx, Lenin, Engels, Moa Tse Tung Fidel Castro to name but a few.