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Salient. Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Volume Number 39, Issue 5. March 29 [1976]

AGM Monday 5th April 8pm Lounge

AGM Monday 5th April 8pm Lounge

The Food Co-op began operating last week, and needs members. For a $10 deposit payable at the Studass office your flat can order fruit and vegetables by the week at considerably reduced prices, and at the end of the year you get $8 back.

Of course, this being a cooperative you are also expected to do a little work as well. A roster of volunteer van drivers will be established, and your flat will be called upon one or twice a term to sort the orders.

We also need depots because at present we are only operating out of the garage below Student Health in Wai-te-ata Road. So if you have a spare garage or other available space (preferably near the road) and a little time on Thursday afternoons, let us know.

The procedure for ordering is simple: you just hand in a completed order form at the office by Wednesday 12 o'clock. On Thursday you collect your order at the depot around 2pm or between 4pm and 6pm. You then pay at the office. In filling out the form remember to use whatever name you joined under...