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Salient. Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Volume 39, Issue 4. March 22 [1976]

Karori has a HART

Karori has a HART

Dear John,

As a result of our observations of the nonchalant attitude of Karori residents, a small group of students have endeavoured to start a new Karori branch of HART with the aim of discussing and sharing views on apartheid and generally trying to create an awareness of the facts upon the people of Karori we shall also be working in with the national office.

Our next move is to show the film 'Last Grave at Dimbaza' at Helen Lowry Hall The dale and time shall be advertised well in advance of screening. All those who are concerned enough to participate in such a branch may contact us by ringing:


Yours sincerely,

Christine Barnes,

Co-ordinator, Karori branch of HART.