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Salient. Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Volume 39, Issue 4. March 22 [1976]

Rockefeller Chops Art

Rockefeller Chops Art

It even happens at home, too. One is reminded of the extraordinary creativity of the famed Mexican mural painter, Diego Rivera, who was hired by Nelson himself to paint the great mural in the Rockefeller Centre in New York. (For $26,000 fee guaranteed by contract), Rivera said he would paint a representation of American life as depicted in a sketch he showed to Rocky (sketch guaranteed by nothing). $26,000 was a lot of money then, during the Depression.

Rivera and Rockefeller signed the contract and the Mexican started work on some newer, more inspired scenes, like Lenin addressing the revolutionary masses, and police riding down unemployed demonstrators on Wall Street, and a syphilitic girl (representing life under capitalism). Rocky fumed and ranted, but Diego waved his contract and wouldn't stop painting until he was paid in full.

U.S. business, and Rockefeller especially, play a very similar role in New Zealnd to that in Latin America. It's just better disguised. More urgently, it's worth knowing that Rocky owns Con. Eddison, the U.S. nuclear power giant, that's had so many safety problems, because they make things so cheap.

So it's about time Rocky and his gang of sophisticated rip-off artists were given the bums rush. All he's here for is so the U.S. and his brothers can make more money out of us. Let's tell him to piss off!