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Salient. Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Volume 39, Issue 4. March 22 [1976]

Mau Mau

Mau Mau

He compares the campaign to the Mau Mau rebellion against the British when he was in Kenya in the 1950s.

But he says the Rhodesian security forces are better motivated in fighting the blacks than British soldiers and can "knock spots" off the English as fighters. The guerrillas have far superior weapons to anything the Mau Mau had.

The Rhodesian Defence Minister said in a television interview shown in London today there would be no immediate handover to majority rule in Rhodesia.

Mr Van Der Byl said the Government of Mr Ian Smith wanted a settlement but a settlement was not the be all and end all.

"There is no question of an immediate handover to majority rule. We are not going to do it and we are not going to be frightened into it," he said.

African nationalist leader Mr Joshua Nkomo said on the same programme that there could be no compromise over majority rule in his negotiations with Mr Smith.

"You cannot discuss majority rule. That is just a must that has been delayed too long," Mr Nkomo said.

Mr Van Der Byl said that when the border with Mozambique was closed white Rhodesians were certainly concerned, but morale among the population had now returned to normal.