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Salient. Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Volume 39, Issue 4. March 22 [1976]

Tripe Speaks

Tripe Speaks

Then came David Tripe! He said that Carson was carrying out policy. If he hadn't proposed the resolution he would be doing a 'gross disservice' to NZUSA. Tripe said we were singling him out unfairly, and making him a scapegoat.

Eric Freedman then amended the motion to involve all members of NZUSA Executive to contravened the will of the students of New Zealand' by proposing the resolution. The amendment was incorporated into the motion. John Blincoe, NZUSA President, reminded us that the actual policy of NZUSA was about the right to self determination of the Palestinian people, and was not about Israel. The motion was finally put, and after a division, lost 66-59. With that, one of the most frustrating, confusing debates I've sat through brought the meeting to a close.

Adler lands the first blow on outr-of-form Carson.

Adler lands the first blow on [unclear: outr]-of-form Carson.

Carson, badly injured, stumbles but is revived by trainer Tripe.

Carson, badly injured, stumbles but is revived by trainer Tripe.

Adler decides what to do next, while Carson recovers in the corner.

Adler decides what to do next, while Carson recovers in the corner.

Carson, opportunist to the last, unexpectedly fells Adler with a very suspicious blow.

Carson, opportunist to the last, unexpectedly fells Adler with a very suspicious blow.