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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 39, Issue 3. 15th March [1976]

Top Secret Reports

Top Secret Reports

Executive members are always eager to tell everyone about all the work they have been doing, so when Gyles gave the signal, they tore into it. Scott Wilson was the fastest off the mark, reporting that he was streamlining the paying of rentals on each of the Association fiats. He is currently doing a tour of each flat, informing the tenants of the new system.

Cultural Affairs Officer Anne Dwyer, said that the Split Enz and Sonny Terry/ Brownie McGhee tours had exceeded their budgetted earnings, which will give Student Arts Council a boost for future promotions.

Ever efficient SRC Co-ordinator, Anthony Ward, has been finishing the SRC policy report and will present it to SRC on Wednesday. Gyles Beckford, on the other hand, is negotiating with the Wellington Student Teachers' Association on a proposal to allow students enrolled in two tertiary institutions only to pay one students' association fee.

Not to be outdone Anthony Ward donned his Films Controller hat and reported that attendances at union films so are had been steady, reaching a peak of 250 at 'Let It Be' (the highest attendance last year being just over 100). Apparently the showing of late-night horror films is being investigated.

Anne Dwyer made another [unclear: reappearance] in the form of Orientation Controller, for which she was given the princely sum of $50. It seems that apart from complaints about the South Pacific beer at the hop, orientation week was generally a success. (If you disagree, write to Salient. - Ed).