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Salient. Victoria University Students Newspaper. Vol. 38, No. 15. July 2, 1975

Greens Whitewash

Greens Whitewash

Dear Bruce,

It is interesting to note that despite the length and emotional integrity of Pauline H. Green's defence of Zionism, nowhere in it does she even attempt to refute any of Israel Shahak's arguments. Rather she contents herself with dismissing anything which exposes the racism, which is inherent in Zionism, as being 'fashionable'.

Typically, Pauline H. Green presents Zionism as a progressive and enlightened force. Admittedly Zionism has contributed much to the development of an underdeveloped area but it cannot be denied that this has been at the expense of the Palestinians. Whereas Pauline H. Green considers the rights of the Zionists as being sacrosanct those of the Arabs are expendable. But then this typifies the attitude of colonialists towards the people of the land they have usurped. That Zionism is colonialism and territorial expansion and racism is amply deomostrated in the following exchange from an American TV programme 'Face the Nation'.

Sidney Grusen (of the New York Times): Is there any possible way that Israel could absorb the huge number of Arabs whose territory it has gained control of now?

Moshe Dyan (Israeli Defence Minister): Economically we can, but I think it is not in accord with our aims for the future. It would turn Israel into either a bi-national or a poly-Jewish-Arab state and we want to have a Jewish state. We can absorb them but it wouldn't be the same country. Grusen: Now is it necessary, in your opinion, to maintain this as a Jewish state and a purely Jewish state?

Dyan: Absolutely, absolutely, we want a Jewish state like the French want a French state.

(J. Gerassi (Ed.) Towards Revolution Vol. 1 p. 203)

B. M. H.