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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 38, Number 11. May 29, 1975

Students Say: A Standard Tertiary Bursary?

page 3

Students Say: A Standard Tertiary Bursary?

A couple of days after the new Standard Tertiary Bursary scheme was announced by the government, Salient reporters John Henderson and Stephen Prendergast strolled outside to conduct a survey of students' opinions on the new scheme. The students were asked 1) If the scheme affected them in any way and 2) What they thought of it. Here are the replies:

I don't reckon its sufficient, as it doesnt meet the cost of living. It'll help, of course, compared to the system in operation now.

It suits me, since I'll profit from it. But others won't.

I don't like it, but it is going to make very little difference to me, as I'm in my third year.

It is a good idea but I see flaws in the present structure. I don't like the idea of graduates only being entitled to $27 maximum as this sum is in no way adequate to cover costs.

It is a good idea but I see flaws in the present structure. I don't like the idea of graduates only being entitled to $27 maximum as this sum is in no way adequate to cover costs.

I don't think its very good because they presume that you don't pay for your parents board, it should be the same whether you're living at your parents home or not. The teachers College students who have just started haven't got a shit.

I don't think its very good because they presume that you don't pay for your parents board, it should be the same whether you're living at your parents home or not. The teachers College students who have just started haven't got a shit.

I still haven't worked out what it is, but there is nothing wrong with the old one for me. There should be more for people who pay board.

I still haven't worked out what it is, but there is nothing wrong with the old one for me. There should be more for people who pay board.

I still don't know precisely what it entails. I will probably lose my boarding allowance because I'm not at Vic.

I still don't know precisely what it entails. I will probably lose my boarding allowance because I'm not at Vic.

It's an improvement in the right direction.

It's an improvement in the right direction.

So it seems from these statements that the average student knows very little about the Standard Tertiary Bursary, and what he does know he doesn't like. We, in Salient, are of the opinion that the government has sold out in a massive way, that the Standard Tertiary Bursary that they so eagerly prate on about is, in the words of Alick Shaw, President of NZUSA, a 'fraud'. Well, what do you think of it ? We'd like your opinion, so, instead of merely grumbling at your friends or in the general direction of the graveyard, write us a letter, or better still, come in and see us. We would like to hear your views.