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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 38, Number 10. 22nd May 1975

15—4—75 — Mosque Demo: 60 Freed


Mosque Demo: 60 Freed

K.L. — Sixty students were acquitted without their defence being called by the Sessions Court today on a charge of taking part in an unlawful assembly at Masjid Negera on Dec 3 last year as they had not been positively identified as being members of the unlawful assembly. Court president, Encik Abdul Rashid Manaf said that the prosecution only submitted part of the photos taken during the unlawful assembly; for a fair trial they should have submitted all the photos. He emphasized that there was a possibility that students were being beaten within those unsubmitted ones. The trial of the second batch of 60 students has been postponed until later this year.