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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 38, Number 10. 22nd May 1975

9-4-75 — Chee Khoon: Harsh Measures May Force Students To Go Underground


Chee Khoon: Harsh Measures May Force Students To Go Underground

K.L. —Dr. Tan Chee Khoon (Pekemas MP) opposed the Universities and University Colleges (Amendment Bill). He said: 'These repressive measures, far from curbing students' political activities, will harden their attitude and if they cannot conduct their activities openly they will just go underground. This will entail far more work for the Special Branch'. 'Alas, in Malaysia the National Front Government is mortally afraid of students achieving political consciousness', he added. He also said that the vice-chancellor would be used as a convenient hatchet man for the Minister.