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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 36, Number 2. 7th March 1973


A deliberate attempt is being made by the Socialist Action League to split the anti-apartheid movement. The S.A.L. is trying to organize nation-wide demonstrations on Sharpeville Day in an effort to draw support away from the National Anti-Apartheid Co-ordinating Committee's activities on the day. These plans have received the support of all groups in the anti-apartheid movement.

A couple of weeks ago a small meeting was convened by the Marxist Labour Group to discuss a proposal for a demonstration on Sharpeville Day. The only decision was to hold a further meeting. The Marxist Labour Group (which has about 12 members) has now decided to hold a public meeting tomorrow night at the Central Library Lecture Hall to discuss the idea of mass demonstrations against the Tour. One of the organisations which participated in the Marxist Labour Group's meetings was the Socialist Action League represented by the Wellington co-ordinator of the Young Socialists (the S.A.L's youth organisation), Peter Rotherham. At the first of these meetings Rotherham said that it would be tactically wrong to hold a mass mobilisation for Sharpeville Day because there wouldn't be time to organise it. At a meeting of Wellington H.A.R.T. last Wednesday, 250 supporters overwhelmingly rejected a proposal by Rotherham to hold a demonstration on Sharpeville Day. On Saturday, however, Rotherham broke into print in the Dominion to announce that "nation-wide non-disruptive demonstrations" had been called against the Tour on Sharpeville Day, which would involve "those thousands of people who were against disruptive protest".