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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 36, Number 2. 7th March 1973

NAC Standby Travel

page 12

NAC Standby Travel

This concession scheme, introduced mid 1972 after extensive negotiations between NZUSA and NAC, enables members of NZUSA to obtain a 50% concession on NAC flights on a 'seat available' basis.

To Obtain the Concession Students Must be Enrolled at University Paying Students' Association Fees, Thus Making Them Members of NZUSA, and have in Their Possession a Valid International Student Identity Card (ISIC).

The ISIC Card is only valid for one year at a time as regards the Standby Scheme, expiring on 31 December each year. It must be renewed again each year to remain valid. This involves returning the card to STB with a completed application form for the affixing of the current validation stamp.

"The ISIC is issued only by NZUSA Student Travel Bureau from its Head Office in Wellington, however, application forms to obtain the card can be obtained from Jane Mulryan (STB's Travel Advisor on the Victoria campus) or from other offices of the Student Travel Bureau. The completed application, after being signed by Jane or the Secretary of the Students' Association, should be sent to:

Student Travel Bureau,

P.O. Box 6368,

Te Aro,


for processing. This should not normally take longer than one week. STB has an office in the University Union in Committee Room No. 1 which is open from 11 - 4 daily.

To obtain the concession fare a student must check in at lea9t thirty minutes prior to the flight that they are wishing to travel on. If there are spare seats available on the flight, approximately fifteen minutes prior to departure then an students on standby will be ticketed for that flight. If there are no seats available, then students must wait until some are available on later flights.

During the nine months of the scheme operation a number of students have abused the provisions of the scheme in various ways. Following investigation those students concerned have had their ISIC Cards removed for up to a year and in some cases fined as well.

NAC have Advised NZUSA that if There is Widespread Abuse of the Scheme then it will be Withdrawn. Hence Insure that no Abuse Occurs and the Scheme will then Continue and Possibly be Expanded. Remember if you Abuse the Scheme in any Way you Place Yourself Liable to Lose Your ISIC for a Considerable Period of Time.

Should anyone want further information on the scheme, its provisions, etc, write to:


NZUSA Student Travel [unclear: uream].

P.O. Box 6368,

Te Aro,
