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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 35 no. 18. 27th July 1972

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By 63 days, he will grasp an object placed in his palm, and can make a fist. Later, he is known to be responsive to pain, touch, cold, sound, light. He drinks his amniotic fluid, more if it is artificially sweetened, less if it has an unpleasant taste. He gets hiccups and sucks his thumb, he wakes and sleeps. He gets bored with repetitive signals, but can be taught to be alerted by a first signal for a second differenot one. And only the foetus determines his birthday.

This defenceless and helpless little thing is what it is all about — though if you listen to pro-abortion arguments, you might not think so. This is what we all once were—a child at a very early stage of development, but still a person. If killing the unborn is legalised, then that means we could eventually legalise its killing after it is born. Then, we will ask, why not kill old people, incapacitated people, the incurably sick? One month after Britain legalised abortion in 1967, a Euthanasia Bill was introduced into the House of Commons.