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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 35 Number 6. April 11, 1972



Easter Tournament competition for yachting this year was held on the Jerningham course in Wellington Harbour. Four universities competed. Auckland were the ultimate winners with wine in the Moth class and a second in the Cherub. Canterbury was second with a win in the Cherub. Canterbury win in the Cherub end a third in the Moth class. Victoria came third with a third placing in the Moth class and a second placing in the Cherub class.

The Olympic low scoring system was used with four out of the total five races being counted. The crew with the lowest aggregate came out the winner. The races were held in excellent conditions and with the ample and comprehensive assistance of the Port Nicholson Yacht Club whose facilities we used. Victoria was represented by the Knowles brothers in the Cherub class. They gave a very acreditable performance considering the standards of their opposition and the gear. The Victoria Moth entrant was Tom Muskie, who only at the last moment agreed to "volunteer" his services. The club is now faced with the necessity of obtaining a new Cherub following the illustration of the deficiencies of their existing boat.

Students drinking at the Easter Tournament