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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume. 34, Number 16. September 8th 1971



12.When armed forces are called upon to operate in support of the civil power it is important that complete records are made of all the happenings as they occur. Therefore commanders at all levels should arrange for a form of diary to be kept in which is recorded such things as:-
(a)Important events in their chronological order
(b)Brief details of any orders received and issued either in writing or verbally.
(c)Factual information such as the names of civil representatives police officers with whom the commander has consulted etc.
(d)Brief details of any requests, proposals and advice given by civil authorities.
(e)Reasons for decisions subsequent action taken and results.
13.Photographs form a valuable record of the situation. Military action in support of a civil power is often subject to an enquiry therefore it is essential to be able to establish the facts.
14.Attached at Annexure A is a detail plan for [unclear: plaboon] crowd dispersal.