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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume. 34, Number 4. 1971

NZUSA Insurance Scheme

NZUSA Insurance Scheme

Perhaps you don't itend to kick the bucket just yet, but starting a life insurance policy while you are at Varsity has special advantages. NZUSA, in conjunction with Price-Forbes, Ltd., are able to offer you a special scheme which is probably the most competitive available.

Not only does the reduced premium payable while you are a student continue at the same rate after you have left University, but also there may be a surrender value on your policy after only six months (cf. 24 months on a normal policy). This provides a valuable loan security and is of particular help once you are qualified and have joined the ranks of the professional plastic people.

But perhaps the greatest joy of this scheme is that no commission is paid to a petty bourgeois insurance company agent. Instead, a commission is paid to NZUSA and VUWSA, and therefore indirectly back to you.

To obtain these advantages you should go and talk with Tim Sheppard in the Stud. Ass. office, who will then be able to make an appointment for you on campus with an insurance broker from Price-Forbes.

Tim Sheppard.