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Salient. Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 26, No. 3. Monday, March 25, 1963



Sir,—Does the vituperative R.G.L. produced in "Strike A Balance," Salient. Vol. 26. No. 2. really live up to the University tradition of knowledge and tolerance?

Apart from the fact that R.G.L. exaggerates grossly there are people who like beards and an offhand manner; art, poetry, jazz, etc., produced by fellow students, even if it's not exactly great.

I can see R.G.L. standing on a city pavement singing the virtues of anonymity, mediocrity, to the tune of "Give me that oldtime religion."

Actually R.G.L.'s superficial and frivolous treatment of the ideas (and motives) in his editorial indicates that he is at least ill-in-formed; writing in the dark but putting on a racy, sensational front, or perhaps, even if honest, a little fanatical himself.

The editorial I refer to points up an important thing: one of the worst faults of university students—trying to ape the prophet or godhead on a couple of units, the odd vocation job and an argument or two.

Confusing particular items of knowledge with the correct way of thinking about them. In short, being blatant know-alls.

If R.G.L. intends to continue this style (that used in the editorial: supra). I hope "freshers" don't confuse his vociferous pen with good sense. Allowing R.G.L.s jazzy salesmanship to make them trade the unassuming vehicle of reason for a new and gaudy model—intolerance. I am, etc.,

Dennis Billing