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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 25. No. 11. 1962

Exec. Member Assaulted

Exec. Member Assaulted

Social Controller Gerry McKay was struck twice last Friday while ushering out a middle-aged man who was loitering in the Sub after the new-look Vic Dance. The man, squat, and with a pronounced middle-European accent, at first appeared content to leave, but as Mr McKay followed him out he turned, addressed McKay obscenely, and struck him twice. The man then left.

The S.U.B. custodian identified the man as a prowler that he and athletics' director. Bill Landreth, had evicted with some difficulty from the gym some days earlier. Girls helping to clear up after the dance, said that the prowler had I approached them to ask where they lived, and had once followed a girl home and stood in her garden for an hour.

A Weir House boy reported that he and his girlfriend had been accosted in Kelburn park at about 12.45 a.m. while walking home. The man was wearing a mask that covered his entire face. Later searches for the man proved fruitless. McKay said that it was doubtful that this was the same man. His assailant had been in the S.U.B. since 12.30.

It was decided not to call the police about the S.U.B. prowler after Social Committee members made a check of the grounds.