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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 25, No. 10. 1962.



Jennifer McLeod gave a sensitive rendering of three pleasant but rather trite piano compositions by Gary Mutton. The Boulez Piano Sonata No. 1, 1st movement played brilliantly by Robin Maconie was not received seriously by the audience. This drastically impressionistic experiment (similar to electronic music) was a little long for the amused listeners and when someone began to add chirruping sound effects, Mr Maconie left abruptly in disgust.

It was a pity that the two sonnets by Charles Brasch set to music by Douglas Lilburn sung by Nelson Wattie had to be cancelled due to the lateness of the hour.

Are these your Hands? — If so Watch Out!

Are these your Hands? — If so Watch Out!

The Management is on the warpath against salt-pepper delinquents. (Photo is candid, not posed).