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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 25, No. 8. 1962.

Elections Are Coming—Vote — Men's Vice-President

page 5

Elections Are Coming—Vote

Men's Vice-President

Ralph Magnusson

Ralph Magnusson, whose chequered career has included many years at University, is a part time Science Student. He is inclined to feel violently on the subject of fees which he feels should be abolished. He has earned his way through most of his student days as barman, labourer, clerk, quality controller, and is now employed, in his words, as a human calculating machine in a large city insurance office.

This background causes him to view the fees issue somewhat passionately and he is of the opinion that high fees should not be the cause of hardship, however, slight, to any students. Ralph also has played waterpolo for the Uni. and has supported many other clubs.

On Exec., Mr Magnusson would wholeheartedly support and implement all possible means for the reduction of fees. On other matters he would like to represent the student body as a whole, and is not very keen on any favoured sections of the student body. However, he feels that at a University, there is no need for discrimination of any minorities.

Above all, Ralph. Magnusson will not oppose the stated wishes of the Association whether these wishes are in the constitution or motion passed at Assoc. meetings.

"Exec, is a representative body which should follow the wishes of the students and not a dictatorial den of lawmakers."

Nom.: V. G. Maxwell

Sec.: Rosalind Hursthouse

Sec.: Mel Stone

John Perham

John Perham is a candidate for the Men's Vice-Presidency. He was a near miss in the recent Presidential elections, and has a short but intense experience of University politics. John has no quarrel with the outgoing administration and hopes to maintain and improve their high standards of government.

Completing his B.Sc. this year, John, a full time student, has a thorough understanding of the full-timer's problems in University life.

He hopes to improve town-gown relationship by fostering a more positive approach to this important aspect, within the Executive and student body generally.

He has no revolutionary plans but his decisiveness of mind and understanding of University life, make him more than qualified to deal with your problems.

Nom.: Don Brooker

Sec.: P. V. O'Brien

Sec.: Bill Dwyer